Sunday, December 23, 2007

Obama for Prez! (And a little bit more . . .)

Barrak Obama is what I think a president should be. I have watched a debate between Clinton, Obama, Edwards, and some other guy. I think that from what I watched, the fight is really between Clinton and Obama. Clinton and Obama both have good sides, and bad sides. Like Obama may talk to much, but he has good reasons to defend his opinion. Clinton, however, interrupts a little to much but has many good facts that she can work from. I could tell by the debate that Clinton was desperate to "talk sense" into Obama.

Some people might like Clinton better, and I'm sure they have their reasons, so I'm not saying that Clinton is a bad person, its just that Obama seems to be a better person to me.

I'm talking democrats, here, so the people who might like the republicans are really getting left out. I just focus on the democrats because both my parents are democrats. I'm sure though, that if both my parents were republicans, this post would be entirely on Huckabee and how I think he is better president than other candidates. (If I thought Huckabee was a better candidate.)

Hey, were talking about congress and all that stuff, so while were thinking about it why don't we talk about the Bill of Rights. Aren't one of the Rights 'Freedom of the press'? So, hey, all those people who are getting all huffy, its MY BLOG, and I can write whatever I want in it, thank you very much!


Joan said...

Good post, Daisy. I'm glad you're interested in thinking about candidates and their positions. We just printed off a survey of all the candidates, Democrat and Republican, which compares their positions on a long list of issues. It's most interesting, and should help us determine who we think would best represent us if they were elected.

Of course, the nation has many major issues to face: social issues, financial issues, defense issues to list just a few. Then, we have to see how the various important issues line up with our values and what we believe about d has instructed us to live as believers. It's a very time-consuming process, and one we don't take lightly. Of course, different people will come to different conclusions as to how to best tackle all the problems in the world!! Nonetheless, people should not just go vote for "their man" or "their woman" based on personality, looks, power or influence. You know all of that, I'm sure.

On the lighter side, it's going to SNOW here today! I'm very happy about that because it didn't snow last winter at all. Since I'm retired and won't have to drive on the Interstate on the slick roads, a little snow would be quite fun! Wish you were here to make a snowman with me!

Grandma Benson

Joan said...

Oops! Some of the word GOD was erased from the last post I made, Daisy. Sorry! It's in the 2nd paragraph. I'm sure you can figure out what I was trying to say. God has given us "instructions" as how to live, what kinds of decisions are not according to His design plan for us as His children, etc. in the Bible.

I'll remember to preview my posting first NEXT time!

Love you!

Anonymous said...

thanks !! very helpful post!