Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Help the victims!

I am a very happy child but what would make me a lot happier is if someone posted a comment once and awhile and not just Huck!!


Joan said...

Hi, Daisy,

I love your new blog and think your limericks are choice tidbits! :) I told my writer friend, "Auntie Barb," about your site and the poetry. She loves to write limericks too and has read all the H. Potter books. She asked if I thought you'd mind if she wrote on your blog. I told her I didn't think you would, so if you get something from her, you'll understand. She's the nice lady who made you and Ella Rose the Angel blankets after Katrina.

Did you get the snail mail letter I sent you girls?? Hope so.

How many days until school starts back up? Are you getting ready and are you excited??

What have you read lately that is good? I'm reading a book which compares the Harry Potter books to The Lord of the Rings and C.S. Lewis's books, The Narnia Tales. It's an interesting read, so far.

Love you!

Daisy said...

Thank you for leaving a comment on my blogspot. I am glad that my blog has gotten out in the world.

Hannah said...

Daisy it sure has gotten out to the world how do you think I found out about it